Surf Features » Killer Wipeout at Nazare!

Killer Wipeout at Nazare!

A Nazare wipeout that’s the stuff of nightmares

A killer wipeout at Nazare during the biggest swell of the 2021-2022 winter season so far. Watch the moment big wave charger CJ Macias drops in to a wave that ends up taking him out…


Skip forward to 4:30 if you can’t wait!

40ft-60ft+ mountains of water hit the Portuguese coastline over last weekend. Peaking on Saturday January 8th, this XXL swell didn’t break any records but the size of the waves were still enormous.

This could be the worst wipeout ever captured on photo and film at Nazare. CJ Macias luckily survived the savage hold down and pummeling that Nazare inflicted on him, but he didn’t make it out unscathed. A dislocated elbow, burst eardrum, and whiplash throughout his entire body was the price he paid. Click right on the photo below and you’ll see he’s happy to be alive.

He made a bunch of waves before his tumble so no doubt he’s stoked to have snagged some and survived a truly brutal wipeout. Here’s another clip taken from further up the cliff with the iconic lighthouse in the foreground.

Want to see more surfers falling off their boards? Check out all the wipeout videos here at The Surfers View.

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